Ancient argument:
What's determines
success in trading:
- A successful methodology
- Psychology and discipline?
Answer: BOTH!
But this is not a
"chicken or egg" dilemma. Clearly in this case method comes before
I don't care how
much self-discipline you have. If you don't have a viable trading methodology,
then you will lose money.
So method is more
Well, maybe
"more important" isn't the right phrase to use. But it definitely
comes first.
The reason I say it
may not be more important is because there are many valid trading methodologies
available. Yet ironically, traders keep jumping from one method to another ...
- one indicator after another
- one book after another
- one mentor after another
- one seminar after another
This is the infamous
"search for the Holy Grail."
Sorry ... doesn't
Like most things in
life, people keep looking for the answer outside of themselves, when the answer
was inside of themselves all along.
Like Dorothy in the
Wizard of Oz ... You had the power all along.
Okay, we've all
heard that the psychological aspect of trading is the key to success. But HOW
do you tap into it?
There's only one way
I know.
Though the hard work
and the daily drudgery of keeping a trading log of every trade you take.
By recording, and
reviewing every trade you take (along with the ones you didn't take, but should
have), you'll learn more than from any book, seminar or video.
This feedback
mechanism is the key to success.
Like all subjects of
You begin by adding.
You need to acquire the information, the principles, and rules of successful
After you spend a
long time accumulating all the information, then you strip it away. You
simplify until you find an approach that works for you.
Then you simplify
further by eliminating your mistakes.
Someone once told
me: "Successful trading is simply a business of not making mistakes.
We're not aware of
how many mistakes we're making until we keep a trading log of every trade, and
then review it every day and again at the end of every week.
I haven't met a
trader yet, who following this discipline, hasn't been absolutely amazed at
what a large percentage of their trades broke their own trading rules (the
definition of a "mistake").
Beginners work on trading.
Masters work on
Dr. Barry Burns