These internal hurdles set
back personal trading performance
Is trading success
determined by nature or nurture? Certainly there are personal traits that are a
‘gift’ to some traders and there are those that handicap others. Good
thing is traits are not cast in stone.With determination and help, individuals
can modify their own behaviour.
Internal hurdle 1 – Cannot
follow rule
In a traffic system that has
clear rules, there are still individuals who choose not to comply at the risk
of their own safety
- Act according to personal whims
- Harmful, self-destructive behaviour
- Unable to follow plan
Internal hurdle 2 – Like to
catch a falling knife
- Catching low is a phenomenon that happens more often in the stock market among individual investors than in forex trading.
- Cheap can get cheaper.
- Then when price is zero, well it is really really cheap.
If hurdles 1 and 2 are most
associated with individuals who have very strong opinion about what they want
to do or achieve, the next two hurdles are likely to be associated with
Internal hurdle 3 –
Following the wrong crowd
- As we can see from 0:40 – 2:02 if jumping over the cliff did not kill, bravely swimming to where no one has swam before will.
- ‘You jump I jump‘.
Internal hurdle 4 – No
Eternally in a different
state and always out of phase
This one lacks conviction to
follow and jump and lacks conviction to NOT follow and jump