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Showing posts from April, 2014

4 internal hurdles that affect trading success

These internal hurdles set back personal trading performance Is trading success determined by nature or nurture? Certainly there are personal traits that are a ‘gift’ to some traders and there are those that handicap others. Good thing is traits are not cast in stone.With determination and help, individuals can modify their own behaviour. Internal hurdle 1 – Cannot follow rule In a traffic system that has clear rules, there are still individuals who choose not to comply at the risk of their own safety Act according to personal whims Harmful, self-destructive behaviour Unable to follow plan Internal hurdle 2 – Like to catch a falling knife Catching low is a phenomenon that happens more often in the stock market among individual investors than in forex trading. Cheap can get cheaper. Then when price is zero, well it is really really cheap. If hurdles 1 and 2 are most associated with individuals who have very strong opinion about what they wa...

Fundamental Speed: The "Duck-And-Jab" Approach To Forex

Wouldn't it be great to increase the probability that your trade will be successful while simultaneously spending less time analyzing chart patterns? By putting the forex market in perspective and realizing your role as an individual trader, it is possible. Most traders don't realize that the money they contribute to the spot market has virtually no impact on price movement, so playing by the same rules as the "big players" may not be your most profitable option. When you jump in and out of the market quickly on a calculated and highly economic regimen - a strategy called fundamental speed - you can make an impact on your own investments. Who Are the "Big Players"? Banks and governments are the big players that make the forex market move. Banks transfer money to and from global institutions and stock reserves of every major currency.  Governments set the interest rates that determine bank lending power, and have the ability to sway the ...