In the trading world, it’s usually not the actual activity of placing a trade that is the problem. That’s the easy part. The hard part is when you are on the path to placing trades that have an actual edge…and you can do it consistently keeping in mind risk parameters and in line with your ultimate trading goal. Every day, someone new to this business opens up a trading account and begins the long and slow path to profits. Perhaps they’ve had coaching, bought a trading system or had some other type of exposure to this business. They envision the success their “mentor”, trading forum participants, Instagram user, and anybody else that places a trade has had and they seek to emulate. REACHING YOUR TRADING GOAL IS EASY …or so you have been told. It seems easy. Many people have told them that trading is “easy” and may have shown them the results of their trading success. If you were to scan Twitter or Instagram, there is no shortag...