Well, Bill has been trading the markets since 1974 and He has helped over 40,000 regular people from all around the world become better traders since 2001. And over the past 40 years trading the "real world" markets, He discovered 3 little "tricks", or tweaks, that almost anyone can apply to how they currently trade that can have a dramatic impact on their results. What's so powerful about these "tricks" is that they're like giant levers, or switches, that can have the biggest impact on your trading results. You're probably familiar with the "80/20 Rule", also called the "Pareto Principle", which states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your effort. This has been proven to be true for countless things, from nature to business. So while all the various details and intracacies of trading are indeed important and do have merit, there are a few things that if you do nothing else but just focus on them...